Privacy Policy

When utilizing our Graphic Novel, Trade Paperback, and general book buying site, your security and privacy is very important to us at Comic Blessing.


All buyback transactions are 100% secure. We use VeriSign, the most trusted and recognized name for online payment on the internet.


All contact information, such as name, email, address, phone number, etc., is kept strictly confidential.

Comic Blessing will be the sole user of any data obtained through our site.

Comic Blessing will not divulge the names, addresses, phone numbers, email, etc. of our clients, subscribers, or any individual who emails or accesses this site without their express permission to do so, except as required by federal, state, or municipal law in conjunction with an investigation of a criminal matter.

When you visit this site, we use cookies and similar technologies to collect information and enhance your experience online through web browsers and applications. Accepting cookies through your web browser is your personal choice. You can set your browser to disable cookies. However, if you choose not to accept cookies, we may not be able to provide you with as good of an experience as on that is specifically tailored to your needs by utilizing the cookie.

We may use the services of third parties to collect and use anonymous information about your visits to and interactions with our website through the use of technologies such as cookies to personalize advertisements for goods and services. To learn more, or to opt-out of receiving online display advertisements tailored to your interests by our third-party partners, visit the Network Advertising Initiative at

This privacy notice and our policies may change at any time as our business changes. Unless otherwise stated, this is the current policy. Please check the site frequently to be aware of any changes.

If you opt in to our email list we will not sell our mailing list to any person or company; thus you will not be subjected to receiving correspondence due to any action of Comic Blessing. You will only receive email about Comic Blessing from Comic Blessing and your patronage with us.